General terms and conditions

These terms apply to all users of the domain meirasitton.Com. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before placing any orders on www.Meirasitton.Com. Due to international legislation we only accept orders from those over 18 years old. If you are under 18 years old you must have permission from a parent or legal guardian. If you are under 16 years old you must let your parent or guardian accept meirasitton’s privacy policy before you register to use this site or any of this site’s services. Changes made after you have placed an order will not affect your order unless we are required to make the change by law. Meirasitton reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions. Users are responsible for keeping themselves updated with such changes. If you do not agree to any changes of these terms and conditions, we kindly ask you to contact us immediately at meirasitton.Com.


Meirasitton does not guarantee that all items included in the meirasitton webshop are in stock at the time of your order. In the event that an item is unavailable, meirasitton will contact you shortly by phone or by e-mail. Meirasitton cannot promise that the content of the site is free of inaccuracies or typographical errors at all times. Neither can we guarantee that all information is up-to-date. Meirasitton may, at any time, amend the content of the site. Although meirasitton strives to display the correct texts, images and pricing on the site and webshop, errors may occur. If you have been charged the wrong amount in the web shop, meirasitton will give you the option of placing a new order with the correct price or canceling your order. Meirasitton, however, reserves the right to cancel any order prior to dispatch should we find that the price is incorrect. In such case we will notify you by email. If we are unable to contact you, your order will be automatically cancelled. Part of the services mediated through the site are maintained by outside organizations. In situations where meirasitton acts as agent for such services, we cannot be held responsible for any errors resulting from their activities. Meirasitton cannot be held responsible for any damaged caused from using the site or, for that matter, not being able to use the site. Meirasitton cannot guarantee problem-free, uninterrupted, and secure access to the site.

Copyright permission notice

Copyright in the documents provided in this site (including, without limitation, the trademarks of meirasitton, logos, graphics, text, photos, designs, logos, icons, images, data and software) are owned by or licensed to meirasitton. You are authorized to use this material only for personal, non-commercial purposes. You may download, print and store copies of this material for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided this copyright permission notice is included in all such copies. You may not charge anyone for use of the material and you may not publish, duplicate or otherwise distribute the material to others without prior consent from meirasitton. You may not modify the material in any way, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Except as expressly stated in this legal notice, no rights or licenses to the material, or any portion thereof, shall be granted or implied. For press inquiries please email info@meirasitton.Com

Prices online store

All prices in our online store are in usd. Customer will be charged in usd. As a service we display daily updated exchange rates for multiple currencies. These are standard bank rates and may differ from the actual rate customer will be charged for.


Our trademark include meirasitton name and logo. This trademark may be used or registered in more than one country and your use of this website does not grant you any rights to use our trademarks.


The site may contain links to other websites beyond our reach. We cannot be held liable for content or privacy policies of such sites.

Privacy policy

All personal information saved on the site will be handled with utmost care. The information that we store will not be sold or used for any purposes other than ensuring the best service possible. It will solely be used for informing you about special offers and other marketing opportunities related to the different divisions of meirasitton. Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties only when it is necessary to fulfill the purposes described above. If you wish to end your meirasitton subscription, you may make the changes in your account settings or send an email to info@meirasitton.Com. State your name and email address and a short description of the matter in the email message. All customers paying by card are subject to validation checks. Meirasitton reserves the right to delay any order if fraud is suspected. For security reasons, we do not store any payment information in our database.


When you register online with meirasitton.Com, use our online store or choose to submit for information in any other occasion, you give us your consent to process and use such submitted personal data in accordance with this privacy policy. This privacy policy applies to all protected personal information collected, maintained or used by meirasitton. Meirasitton collects personal data from visitors to the website who register their information or who use the online store. We do not collect or store any credit card information from our online customers. If you are under eighteen (18), we require that you inform and get your parents or guardians consent before purchasing anything on meirasitton.Com

If you give us your personal information, then with your consent, meirasitton will use this information to keep you informed of our special events or promotions, to register you with our website, to administer our website services, and/or to process any orders you may place online. We may also use the information you provide to us to communicate with you about your order if you have placed an online order. We will send you announcements or communications by email only if you give us your permission to do so.

Meirasitton does not sell, rent or disclose our client’s names, addresses, email addresses or other personal information. Further, in order to maintain our website, to manage our database, to distribute e-mails and to provide client communications, meirasitton contracts with selected third parties. These third parties, solely on meirasitton behalf may process the personal information you provide to us but we do not authorize any of these service providers to make any other use of your information. We do not otherwise disclose your information to third parties, unless we are required to.

If you are registered with meirasitton on our website and would like us to remove you from our marketing list, please email our customer service team at info@meirasitton.Com. By accessing and using the meirasitton’s website (including purchasing items through our website), or submitting personal information with meirasitton at sample sales, outlets or similar events, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your information as described in this privacy policy. Meirasitton reserves the right to make changes to its privacy policy or practices. We will post the updated policy on our website, and thus we encourage you to review this page from time to time, particularly each time you use our online shop.


When you visit our company website, a cookie may be automatically installed and temporarily saved in your computer’s memory or on its hard disk in order to make it easier for you to navigate around our site. Cookies do not enable us to identify you, but are used to record information about the pages you have viewed on our website, the date and time of your visit to the site, etc. We are able to read this information during your subsequent visits.

You can disable cookies in your web browser. However, this will disable all cookies used by your browser, including those from other websites, which may cause certain settings or information to be altered or lost. Disabling cookies may change your browsing experience on our website, or may make navigating around the site more difficult.


Studio meirasitton

19 levontin st.

6511208 tel aviv.



+972 3 620 6275